Inclement or Extreme Weather
The Commencement ceremony will be held rain or shine on the Main Quad. Graduates are free to wear rain gear over their gowns. High heels are not recommended. Guests should come prepared for all weather conditions, including rain or hot sun.
In the Event of Extreme Weather
In the event of extreme weather conditions that threaten personal safety (such as a severe thunderstorm), the Commencement ceremony may be held in the Koeppel Community Sports Center (175 New Britain Avenue). In the unlikely event that the ceremony must be held indoors, seating will be limited to two guest tickets per graduate. Extreme weather tickets will be distributed to degree candidates during Senior Week, May 12-16.
If changes are required due to extreme weather, details will be communicated by 7:00 a.m. on Sunday, May 18, in the following ways:
- An announcement on Trinity Today
- A broadcast email to the campus community (faculty, staff, and students)
- A notice on
Ceremony Viewing Locations
The following locations will be available for friends and family members who do not have extreme weather tickets to view the ceremony:
Boyer Auditorium, Jacob Life Sciences Center
Cinestudio, Clement Chemistry Building
Goodwin Theater, Austin Arts Center
McCook Auditorium, McCook Academic Building
Washington Room, Mather Hall
Watch Online
A live video of the in-person Commencement ceremony will be available online beginning at 10:30 a.m.
Check our website for a link to the live broadcast.